No easy choices: which way to Australia’s energy future?

Australia must substantially and relatively quickly change the nature of its electricity supply. The Commonwealth’s goal is to reduce Australia’s greenhouse gas emissions to 80 per cent below 2000 levels by 2050. Much of this reduction will need to come from changes in electricity production, while keeping energy secure and affordable for Australians.

How might this happen? This report and its companion detailed report assess the prospects for seven technologies that generate electricity with near-zero emissions, and which are already developed enough that large-scale deployment by 2050 is plausible. They are wind, solar PV, geothermal, nuclear, concentrating solar power, carbon capture and storage and bioenergy.

We assess the current performance and future potential of each, and what would need to change for it to be deployed at large scale and at sufficiently low cost. Each of these technologies might materially contribute to Australia’s future energy mix. All face obstacles to achieving their full potential.

Access the report here.

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