Research / #climate risk

Ocean of Solutions: Protecting biodiversity in the blue economy
Marine biodiversity is in a monumental crisis. Despite more attention to understand the impacts of anthropogenic-driven climate change on land and marine biodiversity in recent years, the effects of climate …
Public-private partnerships for social good
There is a growing trend in Asia of governments and the private sector coming together to address social needs, and CAPS' latest study spotlights these "public-private partnerships for social good." …
Charting Asia's protein journey

Food & Agriculture

Charting Asia's protein journey

Higher urbanisation rates and growing wealth in emerging Asian countries are expected to drive demand for meat and seafood in Asia. However, the unconstrained growth in consumption of meat and …
Climate costs for Asia-Pacific ports
The report sets out cost projections for elevating ports in Asia Pacific to withstand climate change risks from rising sea levels and greater storm intensity. It finds costs between US$31 …
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