Research / #forests

S&P Global CSO roundtable: Insights report
Nature and biodiversity risk has been rising up the agenda for sustainability executives since a landmark agreement was reached at COP15 to protect 30 per cent of the Earth’s land …
Laos leads the Natural Capital Index 2021
The Natural Capital Index aims to measure the Natural Capital of a country. The Natural Capital of a country is the sum of the given physical environment and its climatic …
Turning collective commitment into action: Consumer Goods Forum progress towards zero deforestation
In 2010, acting on behalf of its more than 400 member companies worldwide, the board of the Consumer Goods Forum agreed a resolution on deforestation with the aim of achieving …
Small businesses in Asia can help forests and economies grow
Analysing the policy and entrepreneurial context in three landscapes across Asia, the report highlights how supporting innovative small-scale green businesses could help reverse the current trend where business incentives for …
Go haze-free for Singapore

Carbon & Climate

Go haze-free for Singapore

The annual haze that chokes Southeast Asia has often been blamed on palm oil. Yet, companies in Singapore continue to use palm oil to produce a wide range of products …
Natural capital risk exposure of the financial sector in Brazil: Full report
Brazil's financial sector is dependent on natural capital to support economic growth and ensure future returns for investors. Nature's assets are abundant in Brazil, from its farmland, forests and energy …
Stimulating interim demand for REDD+ emission reductions
Immediate action is needed to stimulate demand for REDD+ emission reductions. There is currently no source of demand that will pay for medium to long-term emission reductions from REDD+ in …
Economic Feasibility of Sustainable Non-Food Biodiesel: Castor
Biofuels are becoming big policy and big business as countries around the world look to decrease petroleum dependence, reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in the transportation sector, and support agricultural …
Economic Feasibility of Non-Food Biodiesel Production: Part 3
In a previous articles titled "Economic Feasibility of Sustainable Non-Food Feedstock Based Biodiesel Production: Part 1 and Part 2 ",we have covered how Pongamia Pinnata and Moringa oleifera are going …
Economic Feasibility of Non-Food Feedstock Based Biodiesel Part 2
In a previous article titled Economic Feasibility of Sustainable Non-Food Feedstock Based Biodiesel Production: Part 1, we have covered how Pongamia Pinnata is going to be sustainable low cost feed …
Latest Agricultural Technology Innovation
Changes in the way food is grown will soon represent risk to existing dominant players worldwide and create new opportunities in agriculture.
Paying for watershed services: an effective tool in the developing world
Payments for watershed services (PWS) are an increasingly popular conservation and water management tool in developing countries. Some schemes are thriving, and are pro-poor. Others are stalling or have only …
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