Vigeo Eiris publishes its UN Global Compact ‘Communication on Progress’ for 2017-18

Vigeo Eiris publishes its UN Global Compact ‘Communication on Progress’ for 2017-18

This report covers our 2018 activities in relation to our commitments towards the UN Global Compact. We invite readers to note our announcement of 15 April 2019 regarding the change to our shareholder structure: Vigeo Eiris is now an affiliate of Moody’s Investors Service (MIS). The details surrounding this significant development will be published in our 2019 UNGC report, to be published in 2020. For more information, readers are invited to view Moody’s statement, Vigeo Eiris statement and our President Nicole Notat’s interviews in Novethic, as well as other resources and articles available online.

Our industry-leading ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) research agency assesses and rates issuers’ on their sustainability risks, including states, companies and local authorities.

The ten principles of the Global Compact form part of the Vigeo Eiris research framework from which we rate issuers. Since 2005 Vigeo Eiris has specifically provided a dedicated service to monitor how companies comply with the ten principles of Global Compact, known as the ‘Global Compact Assessment’.

Vigeo Eiris has built its own social responsibility approach with the belief that social responsibility not only represents a duty, but also constitutes a tool for success. This approach shapes our behaviour towards both ourselves and our stakeholders. Our research framework is built upon the six domains of social responsibility against which we assess organisations: environment, community involvement, business behaviour, human rights, governance and human resources.

To see our Certificate of External Assessment of the Global Compact Advanced level for 2019.

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