#advertising News

Petronas was highlighted for greenwashing five times by RimbaWatch's greenwashing tracker
The findings barely scratch the surface of the greenwashing problem in the region, said RimbaWatch, the Malaysian NGO behind the database. Southeast Asia needs provisions for penalties and better policing of green claims, it said.
Scientist Rebellion_Aviation greenwash protest
Airlines came under intense scrutiny for suspect green claims this year, as did net zero targets, sustainability-linked loans and the UN-led COP process. Australia led the Asia Pacific region for penalising firms for greenwashing with fines.
Fossil fuel advertising on media_concept photo
No publisher in Asia has publicly rejected Big Oil ad dollars to date, and most provide a platform for fossil fuel brands, described by UN chief Antonio Guterres as "godfathers of climate chaos". Journalists and news consumers believe dirty energy advertising discredits climate-related content, but support for a tobacco-style ad ban is limited.
The advertisement for McDonald's garlic chilli sauce "celebrates waste"
An ad for McDonald's garlic chilli sauce promotes giving away 134 million sachets every year. Singapore's ad watchdog ruled that there was no breach of its code, after receiving a complaint that the ad celebrates waste.
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An advertisement for the proposed Narrabri gas project in New South Wales
Fossil fuel firms are among the biggest spenders on Google ads that are designed to resemble search results.
"Sustainability is in our DNA"
If sustainability really was at the heart of everything businesses did, the planet probably would not be 1.2°C warmer than it should be. It's time for corporates to stop using the same meaningless catchphrase – or risk alienating consumers
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