#carbon tax News

Malaysia KL city view
The country is expected to leverage its Asean presidency to drive cooperation in the regional carbon markets. At home, Malaysia is looking to drive down emissions through a climate bill, energy sector reform and fuel subsidy cuts.
Tharman Shanmugaratnam_Davos 2025
Developing the credit markets will address a funding gap for nature-based solutions, said Tharman Shanmugaratnam. His proposal faced pushback from other panellists at the World Economic Forum who cautioned against commodifying nature.
Jurong island flaring
Those who responded to a public consultation called for the carbon levy not to be eroded by allowances and for more transparency. Last year, petrochemical firms reportedly received up to 76 per cent in rebates for near-term carbon taxes.
The European Union (EU) ’s Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM) imposes significant costs on countries with high carbon emission intensity and substantial export dependence.
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#carbon tax Opinion

LNG field at Tangguh, Indonesia
With one of the weakest carbon taxes globally, the region’s largest economy risks becoming the world's leading enabler of carbon leakage, where emissions aren't reduced, just outsourced to nations with weaker policies.
cop29 ff phase out
The financing gap is huge, but time is short. Given the inadequacy of a promised new climate finance goal, Southeast Asia should look beyond UN-led conferences to crowd in other sources of capital to tackle the climate crisis.
shipping industry emission
While shipping is essential to the global economy, so is reducing the associated pollution. Requiring shipping companies to pay for their vessels’ greenhouse-gas emissions would go a long way toward advancing this objective, while generating much-needed revenues for climate-vulnerable developing countries.
Burgos solar and wind farm
House Bill 7705, the low carbon economy bill, could help the climate-vulnerable nation seize the economic opportunities that come with decarbonisation.
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#carbon tax Videos

Achim Steiner talking at the Responsible Business Forum in Singapore. Image UNDP Asia Pacific
The IPCC's climate warning is an opportunity for the business world to show leadership, said UNDP's Achim Steiner in the opening speech at the Responsible Business Forum in Singapore.
Leo before the flood
Before the Flood presents Oscar-winning actor and environmentalist Leonardo DiCaprio's three-year journey to every corner of the globe to document devastating climate change impacts, and what humanity must do to reverse it.
US military aid in Haiyan relief efforts
Yeb Saño, head of the Climate Change Commission of the Philippines, attributes typhoon to climate change and calls for international community to implement a 'loss and damage' mechanism
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#carbon tax Podcasts

Earth for all podcast
"Earth For All" is an update to the landmark 1972 book that warned of our unsustainable growth. Jørgen Randers, the author who worked on both titles, tells Eco-Business what is at stake if we don't fix our broken economic system.
COP26 podcast
The climate talks in Glasgow could have a major trickle-down effect on Asia's business community. What should the region's businesses expect from COP26? The Eco-Business Podcast asked energy and sustainability expert Malavika Bambawale.
A recent study found that 9 in 10 accountants want companies to be more sustainable after the pandemic. Eco-Business asked Association of Chartered Certified Accountants sustainability head Jimmy Greer about reinventing capitalism and making the numbers of net zero commitments add up.
Red ship on the ocean
EB Studio [The EB Podcast] In the third episode of the series Tomorrow’s cities: Engineering the energy transition, we explore how the shipping industry is charting a course to a low-carbon future.
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