#climate anxiety News

Malaysia climate protest
The issue of obtaining free, prior and informed consent for use of Indigenous lands should be addressed, said representatives from civil society groups. The month-long public consultation for the draft bill will conclude next Monday.
Jacqui Hocking resized
The founder of a company that amplifies corporate sustainability messaging has moved on after eight years. Her company was acquired by a PR firm two years ago.
Young people need to be shown how climate issues connect to their lives, research finds.
Klima Action Protest 01
A study found that 90 per cent of Malaysian corporate professionals experience eco-anxiety due to climate change news. Many support sustainable choices, yet under 50 per cent favour electric vehicles.
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#climate anxiety Opinion

Myanmar ethnic communities
A twin crisis faces the people of Myanmar, but while the war could end tomorrow, climate change will still shape the futures of millions.
Climate action
Although most people care deeply about addressing the climate crisis, only a minority of respondents in recent surveys trust their governments to achieve a fair and just net-zero transition.
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