#corruption News

Indonesia’s largest environmental group, Walhi, has filed a complaint with the Attorney General’s Office, accusing 47 companies in the palm oil, mining and forestry sectors of corruption and environmental destruction, allegedly causing 437 trillion rupiah (US$26.5 billion) in state losses.
Pililla wind farm in Rizal
Exclusive Conservationists in Philippines have called into question a wind energy project in Samar which overlaps with a nature reserve, raising questions over ‘multiple use zones’ within nationally designated protected areas, where some commercial activities are legally permitted.
Anti-corruption rally in KL - January 2025
This marks a shift from the steady progress made by the region's top listed firms in integrity disclosures since 2020, as focus turns from governance towards climate reporting. Thailand retains its lead, followed by Malaysia and Singapore.
Residential areas next to a major nickel processing site on Indonesia’s Halmahera Island recorded exponential increases in diagnoses of respiratory infections between 2020 and 2023.
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#corruption Opinion

AIIB headquarters in Beijing, China
Weakening the World Bank and other multilateral development banks that have a large United States presence could present an opportunity for a little-known, relatively new Chinese-led international organisation like the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank.
Climate change is clearly affecting the Philippines. Whether it can transform a long-held national attribute into successful climate adaptation will determine what the future holds.
canada forest fire
With the climate crisis escalating fast, calls for more authoritarian decision-making structures – widely viewed as more efficient – are increasing. But the notion that any version of an authoritarian system would be free of “special interests,” and run by neutral, rational technocrats, is implausible.
Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim
Stamping out corruption will be a major challenge to the new government. The relationship between politics and business is a major source of illicit political funds. Will a new bill enhance transparency of political financing or donations?
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#corruption Videos

parliamenthouse australia
Far too many Australian politicians receive financial support from, and give subsidies to, the fossil fuel industry, say climate campaigners. A new initiative by 350.org Australia calls for pollution-free politics in the country.
hk ivory trade
Non-profit groups WildAid and African Wildlife Foundation have released a video containing undercover footage, exposing ivory laundering in Hong Kong and the loopholes in its regulations on smuggled tusks.
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#corruption Podcasts

IP Tebtebba
In celebration of Indigenous Peoples' month in the Philippines, the former United Nations special rapporteur tells the Eco-Business Podcast about her lifelong work to empower communities in Asia’s most dangerous country for environmental defenders.
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