#hazardous waste News

New international law seeks to make ship-breaking safer and cleaner – workers want better pay, too.
Climate villains 2024_Collage
Exploitation in the mining sector gave rise to the term "blood nickel", while ad agencies were in the spotlight for working with fossil fuel giants. Here are the individuals and organisations that made the headlines for the wrong reasons.
Greenpeace flag
INC chair expresses confidence a deal will be reached; UNEP urges negotiators to focus on unresolved issues including the regulation of harmful chemicals, production of plastics and financing.
Coal-fired power plants are driving a health crisis in Southeast Asia, where fine particle pollution causes millions of premature deaths annually.
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#hazardous waste Opinion

Copper, nickel and silicon are the most critical to India’s mineral security due to exponentially rising demand trends and significant supply chain vulnerabilities
India’s journey toward mineral self-reliance hinges on strengthening domestic capabilities and forging strategic global partnerships.
fresh fish at wet market
Public opinion will dictate how Japanese seafood is received after the wastewater is disposed of into the Pacific Ocean.
Space junk

Corporate Responsibility

Space junk: what is being done?

23,000 pieces of ‘space junk’ float in orbit, and almost as many ideas for how to get rid of them are being floated on Earth.
trash collected during the East Coast beach clean up
Increased government and corporate accountability, including the full implementation of the EPR law and more investment into upcycling innovations, are equally critical to create a more sustainable waste management ecosystem in Singapore.
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#hazardous waste Videos

close-up on microfibre
Microfibre pollution is a growing problem around the world. What's a concerned citizen to do?
Trash on the sidewalk in Singapore
Where do your coffee cups, clothes and household appliances go to die? New documentary Trash Trail traces the afterlife of consumer goods in Singapore to reveal surprising findings.
Screen Grab: Flinders Ranges Australia
Traditional landowners say a plan to store radioactive waste near sacred Aboriginal sites is a desecration of their heritage.
sonia ashraf rap
More than 3 million have watched Sofia Ashraf’s 'Kodaikanal Won't' - based on American singer Nicki Minaj's 'Anaconda' - which calls for Unilever to clean up a mercury-contaminated factory in India.
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#hazardous waste Research

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