#heatwaves News

Metro Manila heat
Six out of 11 cities which endured heat strongly influenced by climate change for 30 days or more from last December to February 2025 were in Asia, including in Tamil Nadu, Manila and Jakarta, according to data from nonprofit Climate Central.
As climate change ravages India's crops, world's largest government insurance scheme leaves vulnerable farmers exposed.
Despite being highly vulnerable to climate risk, Sri Lanka is slow to tap into climate funding due to a range of issues including inadequate data systems, institutional weaknesses and limited capacity to design and implement viable projects.
Climate change is reshaping Bhutan’s rural economy, prompting migrations that should be better planned for, write a trio of regional experts.
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#heatwaves Opinion

Public development banks must spearhead a systemic overhaul of global finance to ensure climate funding reaches the most vulnerable and accelerates the green transition.
With floods, droughts and extreme weather threatening billions of people, investing in early warning systems must be a priority.
Youth activists demand a global ban on solar geoengineering, warning it’s a dangerous distraction from real climate solutions and a generational betrayal.
Climate change is clearly affecting the Philippines. Whether it can transform a long-held national attribute into successful climate adaptation will determine what the future holds.
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#heatwaves Videos

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#heatwaves Podcasts

EB Podcast Dubai Sustainable City
Eyes are on whether the city’s plan to build the world’s “greenest highway” will take off. The Eco-Business Podcast speaks to Marwa Nahlawi from Diamond Developers, the real estate developer behind Dubai's "Sustainable City" brand, which adopts a similar green spine concept.
EB Podcast climate insurance
Asia lags the world in natural catastrophe protection. Part of the problem could be counting extreme weather losses only after they happen, industry insiders tell the Eco-Business podcast.
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#heatwaves Research

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