#inclusion News

Though disproportionately affected by plastic pollution, Indigenous Peoples are struggling to shape a global treaty on it.
Despite losing most of their customary forest, Ngata Toro Indigenous community in Central Sulawesi still vowed to protect nature.
Indonesia’s Supreme Court has upheld the government’s decision to block further expansion of the Tanah Merah oil palm project in Papua, preserving a Jakarta-sized swath of primary rainforest.
Local Indigenous communities say the mining sites have put their food security at risk, with pollution affecting fruit trees and root vegetables as well as depletion of local fisheries.
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#inclusion Opinion

The rise of 'greenhushing' – when companies downplay environmental risks for financial or political reasons – reflects not just changing communications strategies, but rising tensions between competing priorities.
Amid a critical UN meeting on women and with aid cuts causing turmoil, we must remember that investing in women is a priority.
The US president’s second term is a pivotal moment for ESG, as his administration could reshape corporate responsibility globally.
India_Mumbai_street vendor
If a tea seller or a street vendor in Mumbai had drafted the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, they might have looked very different. The focus on Global North research in academia needs to shift.

Policy & Finance

Did COP29 fail women?

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#inclusion Videos

Women in STEM
Women play a key role in developing innovations to push for sustainability, but barriers remain to their entry into STEM careers. To celebrate International Day of Women & Girls in Science, EB Impact speaks to three women in science on making an impact and pursuing careers in STEM.
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#inclusion Podcasts

Pink Dot 16 Media Launch - Letters to PM
LGBTQ people have long had to chart their own paths in the face of discrimination on bread and butter issues, like housing and employment. Pink Dot campaigners tell the Eco-Business Podcast their hopes amid a political leadership refresh.
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