Hand-foot-mouth disease outbreaks, already common in Asia, could strike sooner, harder and with greater frequency if the world fails to keep temperature rise in check, a study says.
An analysis of public health data in Cambodia has found increased rates of malnutrition among children born in areas where deforestation had recently occurred.
A health security index by the Asian Development Bank found that early investment in health infrastructure limited the impacts of Covid-19. Thailand topped the ranking. Vietnam did not score well, but prevented the highest number of cases.
Female frontline workers in Pakistan are now being offered a seat at the policymaking table. The benefits are likely to last well after polio is defeated, argues this government official.
Atiya Aabroo
To limit the impact of the coming crises on lives and livelihoods, governments must take urgent action to boost the resilience of their health systems.
Mamta Murthi
Healthcare workers are trained to address medical issues, but often are less equipped to deal with the emotional challenges faced by people with serious illnesses. Learning how to incorporate quality of life concerns into medical care is essential.
Kseniia Shapoval
Scientists in the Global South are studying how solar geoengineering could affect their communities. One team in Pakistan is focusing on malaria, a mosquito-borne disease that affects millions in tropical and sub-tropical countries yearly.
Has Covid-19 really improved air quality? Eco-Business spoke to air pollution epidemiologist Dr Vivian Pun about the real air quality story behind the pandemic, and what the virus is telling us about tackling the world's most underrated environmental issue.