Aquatic foods are vital for the future of our changing world, and more support is needed to prioritise them, say the leaders of the UN’s Ocean and Climate Change Dialogue.
China’s surging demand for farmed salmon is reshaping global seafood trade, with challenges in domestic production highlighting the country's continued reliance on imports.
Dave Little and
Mausam Budhathoki
Choosing food that is both healthy and good for the planet can be confusing. Here are five myths to avoid to help you make better choices.
Dr Bianca Wassmann
Across the region, it’s never been more critical to cultivate a resilient healthcare workforce capable of addressing climate-induced public health issues.
Gabriela Fernando and
Angie Bone
Asia is the ideal insect farming hub, says the chief technology officer of insect farming start-up FlyFeed, which recently announced that it will build its first farm in Vietnam this year.
Nathalie Berezina