#plastic News

Though disproportionately affected by plastic pollution, Indigenous Peoples are struggling to shape a global treaty on it.
Crispian Lao
The founding president of the Philippine Alliance for Recycling and Materials Sustainability died on 18 February, leaving behind a legacy of having bridged corporates, government and civil society towards achieving circularity.
INC-5 talks in Busan
The next round of plastics treaty negotiations will take place in Switzerland in August, after countries failed to agree on the rules in South Korea in December.
Political divisions and industry influence derailed the country’s pioneering 2002 ban on polythene bags. Can the new government enforce lasting change with its new ban?
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#plastic Opinion

Every year, millions of tons of plastic waste find their way into the world’s rivers and oceans. Image: Martijn Baudoin/Unsplash Unsplash licence
Efforts to end plastic pollution through bans and treaties aren’t getting anywhere, but the advent of bioplastics offers hope.
Plastic-contaminated soils affect food security, water quality and ecosystems, making soil health a critical global issue.
Starbucks reusable cups
Measuring environmental impact has historically been prohibitively expensive, but technology can change the equation. Blockchain advocate Sunny Lu argues that verified sustainability can help brands build trust with eco-conscious consumers.
Instead of backtracking on net zero, companies are retracting unsubstantiated carbon neutrality claims – a positive development.
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#plastic Videos

Jack Johnson and Jessica Cheam
Exclusive Jack Johnson says yes, but it is a long road ahead. In this exclusive interview, we ask the American singer-songwriter and UNEP Goodwill Ambassador about his hopes for the state of the world and how music plays a role in providing a dose of optimism in dark times.
lady in singapore carrying plastic bags
EB Studio Singapore gets through 2 million plastic bags a day. Why do Singaporeans use so many bags, and what will it take to reduce consumption?
Katherine Desbaillets, co-owner of SaladStop!
As Singapore-based salad bar chain SaladStop! marks its 10th anniversary, co-owner Katherine Desbaillets talks to Eco-Business about phasing out meat, food waste and single-use packaging, and dealing with customers who refuse to pay 10 cents for a plastic bag.
manila bay with boats
The Philippine government has begun the process of relocating more than 200,000 families living along waterways to restore Manila Bay, the main body of water in the capital.
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#plastic Podcasts

Plastic bag in water
EB Studio Plastic waste is flooding the planet. Instead of waiting for regulation to drive change, give value to recyclables and mobilise the people, says Plastic Bank.
Paper sustainable packaging by RyPax
EB Studio As a landmark treaty is thrashed out to tackle plastic pollution, the Eco-Business Podcast debates whether the world is ready to pay a premium for packaging that doesn't damage the planet.
How to fix plastic recycling
Recycling keeps some plastic out of waterways, but it is no silver bullet for ocean pollution. Ryan Schoenike of OceanCycle tells Eco-Business how recycled plastic certification works, and how his firm is faring in a sector rocked by Covid.
The EB Podcast talked to Rob Kaplan
2020 was a bad year plastic recycling and ocean pollution. Eco-Business asked Circulate Capital CEO Rob Kaplan how the circular economy can be rebuilt in Asia this year.
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