#Scope 3 News

The draft of its new Corporate Net-Zero Standard proposed the separation of Scope 1 and 2 reporting and expects companies to commit to using cleaner energy by 2040. It also addressed the use of carbon credits to address residual emissions.
Singapore apple store
Ahead of mandatory reporting, nearly all small-cap issuers now disclose at least one of TCFD's 11 recommendations, a market regulator study finds. But Scope 3 emissions – still without a fixed disclosure deadline – remain a major challenge.
Pak Gadang walks down the log yard at OKI pulp mill
APP is Indonesia's first major resources firm to get its climate goals approved by the Science Based Targets initiative, although the targets do not yet include its biggest source of emissions. Rival RGE has also restated its climate commitments despite political signals of the country's retreat from the Paris Agreement.
Jiangsu power plant
As the planet’s number one emitter, there are hopes that renewed policies and reporting guidelines will pave the way for China to peak carbon emissions by 2030. While 2025 signals greener progress ahead, experts say the need to balance energy security interests, however, may see fossil fuels firmly in the grid for longer.
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#Scope 3 Opinion

Two experts call on companies to calculate and report Scope 3 emissions along their value chain as soon as possible.
Instead of backtracking on net zero, companies are retracting unsubstantiated carbon neutrality claims – a positive development.
Chevron's Gorgon CCS plant
Carbon capture and storage has been hailed as a potential way to reduce emissions, but it is more likely to increase them by boosting oil and gas extraction. The cheaper and more effective solution is to move to cleaner forms of energy.
Indonesia Stock Exchange
Beyond investors, consumers should also be empowered to critically use sustainability reports to assess a company's sustainability credentials. Here are five steps they can take to start reading reports using GRI standards.
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#Scope 3 Podcasts

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The climate non-profit's head Sherry Madera insists there are just 450 questions, not over 5,500 as some industry players have cited, in its new questionnaire, which has faced pushback for failing to ease disclosure burden as intended.
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#Scope 3 Research

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