APP is Indonesia's first major resources firm to get its climate goals approved by the Science Based Targets initiative, although the targets do not yet include its biggest source of emissions. Rival RGE has also restated its climate commitments despite political signals of the country's retreat from the Paris Agreement.
A handful of fashion brands – H&M, Ralph Lauren, Decathlon and Adidas – are working to stop using coal to power their factories in 2025, while others are prioritising decarbonisation at lower levels of ambition.
Peter Ford
Shoppers could be exposing themselves to carcinogens in the fabrics of the ultra-cheap, ultra-fast fashions they buy online.
Dr Saniyat Islam and
Dr Pia Interlandi
As countries prepare to meet this month to work on the first global agreement to end plastic pollution, the perspectives of South Asia must be heard loud and clear.
Dharmesh Shah
Instead of passing on old and unwanted clothes to charity stores, consumers should re-direct the items to fast fashion companies that should pay for the waste they generate and fund research on new recycling technologies.
Mark Liu
Australian bank St George's start-up competition will see 12 companies competing for A$25,000 grants to make their ideas a reality. Among these is Kusaga Athletic, which says it makes the world's greenest T-shirt.