#traceability News

EB Studio Carbon financing, be it through nature or technology-based solutions, will be key to near and long-term decarbonisation in Asia. With the region’s emissions trading systems seeing some progress, regulation is still crucial to momentum and expansion.
Edna Ablazo, collection member, the Philippines
EB Studio Recycled plastic has trust issues. Better traceability systems are needed to weed out fraud from the post-consumer plastic trade and fairly reward the people who collect trash for a living.
Land cleared to make way for palm oil in Indonesia
Alleged environmental and human rights violations by Indonesia’s second-largest palm oil producer implicate multinationals including Unilever, Olam, BlackRock and Jardine Matheson. The allegations come amid Indonesia’s push for better governance over its palm oil industry, which is the world’s largest. AAL denies any wrongdoing.
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